The Story
Read John 21:1-14
- Family Worship: Breakfast by the Sea
Provides an overview of the story, key points, and discussion ideas for use at home or with a Sunday School class. - Jesus Appears by the Sea Video
Lovely video telling the story of the Lord appearing to the disciples by the Sea of Galilee, as told in John 21.
Ideas for discussion
- Imagine what it must have been like for the disciples, fishing at night in a little boat—perhaps thinking about the Lord and all that had happened during their time with Him. How do you think they felt when they recognized Him standing on the land?
- What did the Lord ask them? How did they respond?
- What happened when the disciples followed the Lord’s instructions?
- How did the disciples recognize Him? Who said His name? Who plunged into the sea?
- We need to cast our net on the right side of the boat, that is, we need to acknowledge that we need the Lord’s help to see what is good and true. We can do our part, cast our net on the right side, by reading His Word. Fishing on the left side of the boat is like us trying to find our own way in life without the Lord’s help.
- Think about other times that the Lord appeared to His disciples after Easter morning. If you could go back in time and witness one of those appearances, which one would you choose? Why?
Read more about the story
- “The Lord’s Breakfast by the Sea” by Kurt Horigan Asplundh (ages 4-10)
A re-telling of John 21:1-14 for young children with beautiful color pictures. - The Miraculous Catch of Fishes” by B. David Holm
The Lord invites us to eat, and He serves us. He invites us to be nourished by His good and truth, meant by the bread and fish He gave to the disciples. - “Being Spiritual Fishermen” by David R. Simons (for teens)
Why did the Lord choose fishermen to be His disciples? How can we follow in their footsteps and be spiritual fishermen?
Projects and activities for all ages
- Breakfast with the Risen Lord Coloring Page by Marguerite L. Acton
Shows the Lord by the sea having breakfast with His disciples. - Song: Cast Your Net on the Right Side by Lori S. Odhner
Lovely song about the Lord appearing to the disciples and helping them catch fish on the right side of the boat. - The Lord Is Always with Us Bible Picture
A beautiful color picture of the Lord with His disciples as He ascends to heaven. - Flowers and Faith
As we appreciate the flowers around us, we can reflect on the way flowers bloom in the springtime when warmth and light are both present. - The Miraculous Catch of Fish
The Lord did this miracle twice. Once when He called fishermen to be His disciples, and again, when He had breakfast with them by the Sea of Galilee. What is the same in the two stories? What is different? - Casting Our Net on the Right Side
Questions about fishing for “truth” that may be used for discussion or a journal prompt. - The Drawing Power of Love Spiritual Task by David Roth (for teens and adults)
If we remember to approach life from “the right side” (from love, charity, and kindness) we will be fruitful.
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