Read about life in heaven
- What Heaven Is Like by Sheila Daum (ages 4-6)
A story about heaven with beautiful color illustrations by Marguerite L. Acton. - “Little Children in Heaven” by Fred E. Waelchli (ages 7-14)
The Lord loves children and takes special care of those who grow up in heaven. We can see parallels with how He cares for children who grow up in this world, making sure they have angels helping them do what is good. - “Babies and Little Children in Heaven” by Peter M. Buss, Sr. (ages 11-17)
Babies who die go to a special heaven close to the Lord, because He carefully looks after these babies. - “Girls and Boys in Heaven” by Peter M. Buss, Sr. (ages 11-17)
Discusses what life is like for children growing up in heaven. - “The Teaching of Children in Heaven” by Chauncey Giles (ages 18 and up)
The angels teach children in heaven to love the Lord, to love the neighbor and to be useful by helping others. - “Jenny Belongs” by Gretchen L. Keith (ages 7-10)
A story about a young girl who wakes up in heaven and explores her new home there. - “The Lost Lamb” by Gretchen L. Keith (ages 7-10)
A story about a young boy in heaven.
Ideas for discussion
Read one of the worship talks, articles or stories about children growing up in heaven. Then consider one or more of these ideas for reflection or discussion.
- Children in heaven look to the Lord as their heavenly Father, and He oversees their care.
- The Lord provides everything the angels need: homes, food, and clothing. These things reflect the spiritual qualities of those who receive them. The more angels love the Lord, the more beautiful their clothing. The more angels want to serve the Lord, the more beautiful their homes.
- Heaven is beautiful. There are lovely parks and gardens. Flowers seem to glisten with precious gems. There are gentle animals such as deer and lambs. The beauty and variety in heaven is hard for us to comprehend.
- Children in heaven go to school where they learn about the Lord, the Word, and the life of heaven. How do you think schools in heaven might differ from schools here on earth?
- There are mild, temporary consequences when children misbehave in heaven, such as flowers fading in their garden or a spot appearing on clothing. How might this help a child growing up in heaven?
- Imagine a child in heaven and try to picture what a typical day might be like.
Projects and activities for various ages
- Imagine What Heaven Is Like (ages 4-12)
Look at a painting showing someone’s idea of heaven and talk about what it tells you. If you were to draw a picture of heaven, what would you show there? - Children Explore a Garden in Heaven Coloring Page by Lisa S. Buss
Shows children in heaven seeing birds and a deer as they walk along a path through the woods. - Angel Mothers Coloring Page by Robert Glenn
Shows angels taking care of children in a lovely garden. - Every Girl in Heaven Has a Garden Bright Song (ages 3-12)
A children’s song about life in heaven. - Spot on a Dress by Lisa S. Buss
A girl in heaven finds a spot on her dress because she has done something wrong. When she is sorry and does what is right, the spot will fade away. - Practicing to Become an Angel Chart (ages 4-10)
We can sense the happiness of heaven when we find ways to think and act on behalf of our neighbor without thought of reward. - Life in Heaven Accordion Book (ages 4-10)
Illustrate different aspects of life in heaven to make an accordion book for display. - Making Flower Garlands (ages 4-8)
Little children in heaven are delighted to wear garlands of flowers. Follow the directions to make garlands for children to enjoy. - Focusing on Angelic Qualities (teens and up)
How can we cultivate angelic qualities in our lives? - Prayers for Teens
Two prayers about the Lord preparing people to live in heaven.
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