The Story
Read or retell the story in the gospel of John, chapter 20.
- Jesus Is Risen Video
Presents the Easter story from John 20 with felt figures. - Family Worship: Mary Magdalene Sees the Lord
Read the story in the gospel of John (20:1-16) about Mary Magdalene seeing the Lord. Use the discussion questions to talk about this story.
Ideas for discussion
- Why did Mary Magdalene come to the tomb? (She wanted to anoint His body with spices.)
- What did she think when she saw that the stone was moved away from the tomb? (She thought that people had taken the Lord from the tomb.)
- Mary stood outside the tomb, crying. What did she see when she looked inside the tomb? (She saw two angels dressed in white, and they spoke to her.
- Who else did Mary see at the tomb? (She saw the Lord but thought he was the gardener.)
- When did Mary recognize the Lord? (When He called her by name.)
- Mary called the Lord “Rabboni!” Why did she call Him by that name? (“Rabboni” means Teacher, and the Lord taught people many things when He was on earth.)
- Imagine that you are Mary Magdalene. How might you feel when you find the tomb empty? When you see the two angels dressed in white? When you see the Lord?
Further ideas
Think about the emotions Mary Magdalene must have experienced. First, she finds the stone rolled away from the tomb, and the Lord is not there. Then an angel tells her that the Lord is risen, He is not here. Finally, she sees the Lord in the garden.
- How does this story help us understand the Lord’s compassion? His resurrection?
- How can we look to the Lord as our Teacher? Where can we “find” Him and listen to His teachings?
Read more about the story
- “The Easter Surprise” story by Kurt Horigan Asplundh (ages 4-7)
Surprise! Surprise! The Lord was alive and standing in front of Mary. - “Mary Magdalene and the Risen Lord” by B. David Holm (ages 7-14)
This talk focuses on Mary Magdalene being the first person to see the Risen Lord in the garden on Easter morning. - “Rabboni” by Geoffrey Childs (ages 18 and up)
An in-depth look at the internal meaning or representation of Mary Magdalene and her recognition of the Risen Lord.
Projects and activities for various ages
- Make and Display an Easter Representation (ages 8 and up)
Make a miniature garden scene to illustrate the Easter story in the gospel of John. - Make an Easter Diorama (ages 9-14)
Color and cut out figures to assemble for a diorama showing Mary looking into the tomb and seeing the two angels there. - Soldiers Guard the Tomb Coloring Page by Donald Moorhead (ages 7-14)
Shows the Roman soldiers guarding the entrance to the tomb. - Angel at the Tomb Project (ages 7-12)
Use a small paper plate to make this project showing an angel standing by the empty sepulcher on Easter morning. - Easter at the Tomb Coloring Page by Robert Glenn (ages 7-14)
This illustration of Matthew 28:6 shows the angel of the Lord after he rolls back the stone from the tomb. The guards are shaking with fear while the angel talks to the women. - Easter Prayers for Teens (ages 15-17)
Help us to listen to the words You speak to us, as You spoke to Mary Magdalene long ago. You tell us not to be afraid. You tell us to rejoice. And You call each one of us by our names. Help us recognize You as our Teacher, our Creator, and our Savior.
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