The Story
Read the Palm Sunday story in different gospels
Read and compare several different accounts of the Palm Sunday story to get a clearer picture of the excitement people felt as they greeted the Lord as their King.
- Matthew 21:1-11
- Mark 11:1-10
- Luke 19:29-38
- John 12:12-16
Note the events that come right before and after this story in each gospel. How do these give us a fuller idea of the Lord’s mission on earth? Do they suggest ways that He would like to help us spiritually?
Ideas for discussion
- Why did the Lord ride into Jerusalem on a young donkey? (Because this showed people that He is King.)
- What did the disciples put on the donkey and the colt? (their clothing)
- What did people do when they saw the Lord coming? (They spread clothing and palm branches on the road before Him.) People were greeting the Lord with their customs for greeting a king.
- What kind of king is the Lord? (He is the King of heaven.)
- The people said “Hosanna!" as the Lord entered Jerusalem. The word “Hosanna” means save now.
- The joy of this story is quickly followed by the sorrow of the Lord’s arrest, trial, and crucifixion. But we can embrace His resurrection with joy, knowing that He became our Savior and Redeemer.
Read more about Palm Sunday story
- Jesus Rides into Jerusalem Video
A video told directly from the Word, illustrated with felt figures and suitable for young children. - “Welcoming the King!” by Kurt Horigan Asplundh (ages 4-10)
An illustrated story about the people of Jerusalem welcomed the Lord with palm branches. - “Rejoice!” by Louis B. King (ages 7-14)
Palm Sunday is a day for great rejoicing. Christians all over the world think about the Lord and how He came into the world to save people. - “Joy, Sadness, & Joy” by Patrick A. Rose (ages 18 and up)
The story of the Lord’s last days on earth is one of joy, then of grief, and then again of joy. - “The First Palm Sunday” by Andrew T. Dibb (ages 7-14)
This story imagines what a boy named Josiah might have seen on the first Palm Sunday.
Projects and activities for various ages
- The Lord’s Triumphal Ride into Jerusalem (ages 3-6)
Children can color the picture of the Lord, then glue on scraps of cloth and small leaves. - Entering Jerusalem Coloring Page by Marguerite L. Acton
Illustrates the Lord entering Jerusalem as people greeted Him with palm branches. - Hosanna in the Highest Coloring Page by Eudora S. Walsh
Shows people welcoming the Lord with palm branches. - Dramatize the Palm Sunday Story (ages 4-9)
Act out the story of the people of Jerusalem welcoming the Lord as a narrator reads Matthew 21:1-11. - The Lord Is Our King Puzzle (ages 5-8)
This is a jigsaw puzzle to print on stiff paper, cut out, and then assemble. - Journey to Jerusalem by Ruth D. Gyllenhaal (ages 7-14)
A picture of the Lord's journey from Bethphage at the Mount of Olives toward Jerusalem. - Palm Sunday in Modern Israel (ages 10-14)
A description and pictures of the reenactment of the Palm Sunday procession that takes place every year from Bethphage to Jerusalem. - Panorama of the Palm Sunday Procession (ages 6-9)
A lovely picture in 3 panels to color and then assemble as a triptych for display in your home.
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