How do these passages from the Word help us see the importance of looking to the Lord in His Word?
- “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise” (Jeremiah 17:14).
- “Spiritual diseases can be healed only by the Lord, and in fact by looking to His Divine omnipotence and by repentance of life” (see Apocalypse Explained 815:5).
When the Lord healed people, He often said something like “let it be to you according to your faith.” Why did the Lord heal people who had faith in Him? It is because faith is an acknowledgement of the Divinity of the Lord and His power to heal and save.
- Acknowledging the Lord and acknowledging that all salvation comes from Him constitute the beginning of life from God with a person (Arcana Coelestia 10083:6).
Learn more about how the Lord heals us
- "Helping Those Who Are 'Sick'" by Grant H. Odhner (ages 18 and up)
The Lord lets us help care for those who are sick in spirit. In the process, we may find that we are making progress with our own spiritual illnesses such as anger or impatience. - ""Being Healed by the Lord" by Eric Carswell (ages 18 and up)
The way Jesus healed people pictures the kind of healing that He wants to bring to our lives. The question is “What do we have to do to receive this healing?” - "How We See" by Hugo Lj. Odhner (ages 7-14)
People are born being able to see but are “blind” to what we can learn see and understand with our minds as we grow up. The Lord wants to “open our eyes” to walk by the light of heaven.
Projects and activities for all ages
- Heal Me Song by John Odhner
Music and lyrics for a song with this chorus: “Heal me and I will be healed, O Lord, save me and I will be save, for You are the one I praise.” - The Lord Saves Us Memory Verse with Hand Motions Isaiah 35:4-6 (ages 4-14)
Suggests hand motions children can use while reciting (or repeating) verses from Isaiah 35, starting with “Be strong, do not fear! Behold, your God will come and save you.” - The Eyes of the Blind Shall See Him (ages 5-10)
Make a picture of the Lord in heaven with bright light all around Him and attach fabric or paper that can be lifted to illustrate seeing the Lord when our spiritual “blindness” is healed. - For Reflection: What Is a Miracle? (ages 12 and up)
Is a miracle something that seems impossible? Or is it something that can only be done by the Lord or by others to whom He gives this power? Reflect on what you might consider to be miracles in your own life. - What Truths Have Opened Your Eyes? (teens and up)
Reflect on the way that truths can open our eyes by thinking of some truths that have helped you in your life or by applying a truth to a hypothetical situation.
Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.” (Matthew 9: 29)
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