The Story
Read or retell Daniel 3.
Daniel 3:1-3 King Nebuchadnezzar made a large image of gold.
Daniel 3:4-5 He commanded his people to worship the image.
Daniel 3:6 People who refused would be thrown into a fiery furnace.
Daniel 3:12-23 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to worship the image.
Daniel 3:24-27 The Lord protected them when they were put in the fiery furnace.
Daniel 3:28-30 Nebuchadnezzar respected their God.
Ideas for discussion
- Why were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Babylon? (When the kingdom of Judah was conquered, they taken to Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar wanted them to help him run his kingdom--along with Daniel.)
- What did Nebuchadnezzar want everyone to worship? (a golden image or statue)
- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did not obey the king. Why did they refuse to worship the golden image? (They wanted to worship and serve the Lord alone.)
- How did Nebuchadnezzar react when they refused? (He was furious and had the fiery furnace made seven times hotter before they were thrown into the fire.)
- This kind of fire represents anger in the Word. Nebuchadnezzar was angry because Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego wouldn’t do what he wanted. Can you think of a time when you were very angry? Did it feel kind of like a destructive fire inside of you?
- Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego stayed calm in spite of the king’s great anger and the furnace waiting for them. They felt a peaceful confidence in the Lord. Is there a time when you have felt a wonderful sense of peace?
- Nebuchadnezzar was amazed at what happened in the fiery furnace. Why? (He saw four people walking in the fire unharmed, and the fourth was like the Son of God. The Lord sent an angel to protect them.)
- The Lord sends His angels to protect us as well. He is especially close to us during times of struggle or temptation. We can invite His presence by looking to Him, asking for help and reading the Word.
- How might these words bring us comfort on our spiritual journey? “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the one who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6).
Read more about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
- “The Fiery Furnace” by Kurt Horigan Asplundh (ages 4-6)
We should try to be brave like those three men and follow the Lord and worship only Him, for He is the one true God of heaven and earth. - “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego” by Alfred Acton (ages 9-14)
These three men believed that if they kept doing what was right the Lord would be with them and protect them. - The Activity of Love by Brian W. Keith (ages 18 and up)
Walking on the path established by the Lord is a life of worship.
Projects and activities for various ages
- The Fiery Furnace Song Video by Lori Odhner (ages 3 and up)
A song by John and Lori Odhner about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and King Nebuchadnezzar's fiery furnace. - The Fiery Furnace Song – Act It Out (ages 3-6)
Suggests ways children can act out the story while singing and listening to the song video. - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (ages 3-6)
Open the doors of the furnace to see the three men inside. Then hold the picture up to the light to see the fourth man—the angel sent from the Lord. - Angel in the Furnace Tissue Paper Project (ages 3-6)
Use tissue paper and the included cutouts to make a picture of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego with an angel in the fiery furnace to hang in a window. - The Fiery Furnace Wax Resist Project (ages 3-8)
Draw the four men in the furnace with crayons or oil pastels, then use fire-colored watercolor paint to make the flames around them. - The Fiery Furnace Coloring Page by Robert G. Glenn
Shows King Nebuchadnezzar looking into the fiery furnace and seeing four people. - The Fiery Furnace Diorama (ages 6-8)
Use an oatmeal box and clay figures to make a diorama of the fiery furnace. - Four Men in the Fiery Furnace (ages 7-9)
Make finger puppets and a shoebox stage to retell the story. - The Fiery Furnace Jar Project (ages 7-10)
Use tissue paper and a jar to make the furnace, then show the angel saving the three men from the fire. - What the King Saw (ages 9-12)
As you draw the flames with orange and red crayons, you will reveal the four men in the fiery furnace. - Walking in the Furnace Cards (ages 11-14)
Reflect on times when feelings of anger or hatred threatened you, and think about who might be willing to “walk with you in the furnace” and help protect you?
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