The Story
- Read Mark 15:22-47.
- This story is also told in Matthew 27, Luke 23, John 19.
- The Crucifixion Video (all ages)
Lovely retelling of the story of the Lord’s crucifixion as told in gospel of Luke.
Ideas for discussion
- After praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus let Himself be taken before the priests and then to Pilate. Did Pilate think the Lord was guilty? (No) Who demanded that the Lord be crucified? (the priests and the people they stirred up)
- What do we call the day on which the Lord was crucified? (Good Friday. It is called Good Friday because of the good work the Lord accomplished.) One way that we can celebrate Good Friday is by not letting the hells influence us.
- Who took the Lord to Golgotha to crucify Him? (the soldiers) Who mocked the Lord? (the soldiers, chief priests and scribes, some people passing by) Who were sad as they watched? (Mary Magdalene and other women who followed the Lord)
- Why did it suddenly get dark for three hours? (because the Lord was being crucified) What happened to the veil of the temple when He breathed His last? (It was torn in two from top to bottom)
- Why did an all-powerful God permit people to do this to Him? It was an essential part of His mission—the final step in conquering the hells. Without this last step, He could not have said, “It is finished” (John 19:30).
- The hells wanted the Lord to be angry with the people who hated Him or wavered in their faith. But the Lord forgave them. “Forgive them, for they do not know what they do” (Luke 23:24).
- Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for permission to bury Jesus. Where did he put the Lord’s body after wrapping it in fine linen? (in a tomb in the rock in a garden)
- Who gained the real victory here—the hells, the priests, or the Lord? The Lord. He was successful in this final temptation—as He was in all of His temptations.
Read more about this story and friendship:
- “What the Lord Showed Through His Crucifixion” by Peter M. Buss, Sr. (ages 4-14)
We might ask ourselves why it was that the Lord let these evil people do such terrible things to Him. After all, He is the Lord. Why didn't He stop them?) - “Remembering Good Friday” by Louis B. King (ages 14 and up)
Good Friday is called Good Friday because of the good work the Lord accomplished when He broke the power of the evil spirits. - “The Lord’s Words of Love on the Cross” by Donald Rose (ages 15 and up)
Looking at the story in all four Gospels, one finds that the Lord spoke seven times while on the cross. Listen to these words and remember His love.
Projects and activities for various ages:
- Decorating Easter Eggs (ages 4 and up)
Because eggs symbolize the renewal of life, decorating eggs is a wonderful tradition at Easter time, when we celebrate the Lord’s triumphant resurrection and salvation of the human race. - Picture the Lord’s Ascension (ages 5-10)
Let your little ones make their own picture of the Lord ascending into heaven. - The Crucifixion at Golgotha (ages 7-10)
Make a picture of the crosses to help remember the Lord’s victory over evil. He let Himself be crucified, resisted the hells, and then rose again on Easter morning. - Jesus and Mary Magdalene in the Garden (ages 7-14)
Color a picture of Mary Magdalene with the risen Lord, showing the happy ending to this story. - Easter Prophecies and Their Fulfillment (ages 10 and up)
Match 5 prophecies in the Old Testament with their fulfillment in the New Testament. - When the Lord Was Crucified (ages 6-10)
Make a wax-resist picture to show how the world went black when the Lord was crucified and then rejoiced when He rose on Easter morning. - For Reflection: Points of View on the Lord’s Crucifixion (ages 15 and up)
Think about how different people might have felt about the Lord's crucifixion, considering the disciples, the chief priests, and others who may have witnessed or heard about it. - Food for Thought—The Passion of the Cross (ages 16 and up)
Teachings from the Word and discussion questions about the passion of the cross. - God Fights for Us Spiritual Task (ages 18 and up)
The Lord fights directly for us in all our battles. Our sins are removed as we do the work of personal repentance and try to live by the His Word. - Food for Thought: Picturing the Lord
The Word can help us develop a picture of the Lord in our minds by teaching us about Him as to His love, His wisdom, His mercy, etc. The Word also gives us some descriptions—such as the description of the Lord's transfiguration—that can help us picture the Lord as He is in heaven.
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