The Holy City New Jerusalem

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The Lord showed the apostle John a vision of the Holy City, New Jerusalem descending from heaven. It pictures the beautiful teachings of the Lord’s Word that can lead us toward life in heaven. John saw the Holy City coming out of heaven from God because these truths are from the Lord alone.

The Story

Read aloud the story in Revelation 21:2-23.

The Lord allowed John to see the Holy City, New Jerusalem.  An angel showed John beautiful details of the city of gold with its 12 pearl gates and 12 foundations of precious gems. Centuries later, the Lord revealed that this holy city pictures the teachings of a New Church—a new Christianity. 

Ideas for discussion

  1. How does this story help us understand how the Lord leads us toward heaven?
  2. Talk with younger children about the details of this city: its light, walls, 12 gates, gold, pearls, and precious gems. If possible, show them some gold, a pearl and a precious gem.
  3. The holy city pictures a spiritual picture of the Lord’s New Church. This holy city is home to people who love the Lord and follow His teachings.
  4. Why is the holy city New Jerusalem compared to a bride? (The church is wonderful and beautiful like a bride is wonderful and beautiful.)
  5. Why was there no need for the sun or the moon to shine in the city? (The glory of God illuminated it.)
  6. What does the light of the holy city suggest about the truths of the Lord’s New Church? (The Lord wants us to be able to understand His Word. He has revealed new truths that can help people more fully understand the way to heaven.)
  7. The walls of the city symbolize the letter of the Word. The stories of the Word have a spiritual meaning that gives us a clear idea of what is good and true.
  8. The twelve gates were open all the time, but an angel stood at each gate, making sure nothing bad entered the city.
  9. What were the gates of the city made of? (Each gate was made of a single pearl. These gates symbolize the true ideas that can introduce us into that holy city.)
  10. Who can live in the holy city, New Jerusalem? (Only those whose names are written in the “Book of Life.”)
  11. “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter through the gates into the city” (Revelation 22:14).

Learn more about the Holy City, New Jerusalem

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