The Story
- Read about the Lord calling the first disciples in Matthew 4:18-22 or Luke 5:1-11.
- Read about the Lord gathering His disciples around Him in Mark 3:14-19.
- Retelling of the story for children (ages 5-12)
Retells 3 stories from the gospels about the Lord calling His disciples (Matthew 4, Luke 5, Mark 3).
Ideas for discussion
- Who were the first four disciples called by the Lord? (Peter, James, John, and Andrew)
- What were Simon Peter and Andrew doing when the Lord called them? (casting a net into the sea to catch fish)
- What did the Lord say to them? (“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”)
- What were James and John doing when the Lord called to them? (mending fishing nets in a boat with their father)
- How did these four people respond to the Lord’s call? (They immediately left what they were doing and followed the Lord.)
- What kind of fishing would these men do as they followed the Lord?
- What miracle helped these first disciples understand the Lord’s power to help them? (He told Peter to let down his fishing nets, and they caught an amazing number of fish.)
- What would it be like to have someone call you to do something if it meant stopping what you were already doing? Would it be easy? Why do you think these men followed the Lord immediately? (Answers will vary. Clearly, the disciples realized that the Lord was someone special and felt drawn to follow Him.)
- How does the Lord call us to be His disciples? (We hear His call when we learn about Him and the teachings of His Word. We follow the Lord when we try to follow what He teaches.)
- Being the Lord’s disciple means being led by the Lord and the good and truths which come from Him (see Arcana Coelestia 10490:6).
Read more about the Lord and His disciples:
- “Fishermen Disciples” by Norman H. Reuter (ages 7-14)
This talk describes how the Lord called His first four disciples and what they each represent in our lives. - “The Lord’s Disciples” by Kenneth O. Stroh
The Lord calls each one of us to be His disciple. If we read or listen to His Word and try to do what He teaches is good and true, then we will be following the Lord. - “Follow Me” by Peter M. Buss, Jr. (ages 18 and up)
Are we willing to keep the commandments of the Lord and allow Him to direct our day-to-day lives with the same level of devotion as the disciples? - “The Story of the Twelve Apostles” author unknown (ages 7 and up)
The disciples followed the Lord in the world. After His resurrection, they spread the good news that He had taught them.
Projects and activities for various ages:
- Follow Me (ages 4-7)
Make stick puppets to show Simon and Andrew following the Lord. - The Lord Calling Fishermen as Disciples
Color and cut out fish to add to this project showing Jesus with two fishermen. - The Lord and His Apostles (ages 3-6)
Make a picture of the Lord on a mountain with all twelve of His disciples. - Calling the First Disciples (ages 6-10)
Make a collage showing the Lord calling Simon Peter and Andrew to follow Him. - Jesus Calls the Disciples Coloring Page by Marguerite L Acton
Shows Jesus calling to the first disciples who are fishing in their boat. - Fishermen Coloring Page by Lisa S. Buss
Shows how the disciples used nets when they were fishing in the sea. - The Lord Is Our Teacher Poster
Color picture of the Lord teaching His followers while here on earth. - Disciples of the Lord Mobile (ages 9-12)
Make a mobile with pictures of the twelve disciples. - Following the Lord Stained Glass Window (ages 12-15)
Color a stained glass window showing the Lord and His twelve disciples. For each disciple, note something true and good that we can do to follow the Lord.
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