Teachings in the Word
How do these passages from the Lord’s Word help us appreciate the importance of joining love and wisdom in our lives?
- Since the Lord God the Creator is love itself and wisdom itself, and the universe was created by Him…it must be that in each and every created thing there is some goodness and truth from Him (Conjugial Love 85).
- The marriage of good and truth from the Lord is what is called the heavenly marriage (New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine 260).
- It is according to Divine order for good and truth to be conjoined and not separated, thus that they be one and not two; for they are conjoined when they go forth from God and are conjoined in heaven, and therefore must be conjoined in the church (True Christian Religion 398:3).
- There are two lives, which make one in a person, the life of truth, and the life of good. The life of truth is the life of a person’s understanding, but the life of good is the life of his will; for truths reside in the understanding, because they constitute the understanding, but goods reside in the will, because they constitute the will (Apocalypse Explained 419).
- “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind” (Luke 10:27).
Read more about the marriage of good and truth / love and wisdom:
- “Finding Yourself and Your Heavenly Ideals” by David R. Simons (ages 15-17)
You have a journey in life—a journey to find yourself. You have to discover what you want to do with your life that is worthwhile, what use you want to perform for others. - “The Heavenly Marriage” by Peter M. Buss, Sr. (ages 18 and up)
The heavenly marriage, the one which is of love, the one which will endure, is between our wish to follow the Lord and our love for the living truth of His Word.
Projects and activities for various ages:
- Two Become One (ages 5-10)
Use two interlocking hearts to picture the way a couple can grow to become one in mind and heart. - Good and Truth Concentration Game (ages 10-14)
Use color picture cards to help you learn which things symbolize good in the Word and which symbolize truth. Then play concentration games. - Matching Symbols of Good and truth (ages 12 and up)
Match symbols from the Word that mean either good or truth. As you try to find pairs that seem to go together, it may help to think of stories in the Word. - Flowers and Faith (all ages)
Reflect on the way flowers bloom in the springtime when warmth and light are both present. - Springtime—A Perfect Balance of Heat and Light (ages 14 and up)
It is always springtime in heaven, with a perfect balance of heat and light. Why do you think it is always springtime there? - Can You Separate Love and Wisdom? (ages 15 and up)
Can you think of examples of situations in which love apart from wisdom is not really loving? Similarly, are there times when wisdom apart from love is not really wise?) - Preparing for Marriage by Receiving Good and Truth (teens and up)
How does reading the Lord's Word help us unite good and truth in our lives, to prepare for and strengthen our marriages?
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