New & Seasonal Discoveries
Improving Relationships
If we want healthy, loving relationships we are going to have to do something to foster them. This week pick someone you want to have a closer, caring relationship with and do this...
Marriage Love & Eternity
One of the precious teachings of the New Church is that marriage is eternal, and the Lord will provide happy marriages for all good people—if not here on earth, then in heaven.
Heart Snowflake
Use this template to fold and cut a beautiful snowflake of six interlinked hearts that create a star in their center. Create a blizzard of love!
Working Toward Spiritual Marriage
A 6-step cycle of ways you can work toward the blessing of a spiritual marriage, whether you are currently married or not.
Danish Heart Chain
Using a traditional Danish heart pattern, create a paper chain of hearts, alternating red and white. Children can personalize the chain by writing the name of someone they love on each link.
Kindly Heart or Selfish Heart
Cut out all the pieces for the kindly heart and the selfish heart. Assemble them to see which one makes a true heart shape.
The Marriage of Love and Wisdom
The Lord wants to help all of us receive His love and wisdom, or good and truth, into our lives and unite them together. These two are completely one in the Lord, but human beings receive them separately. Reuniting them is a key part of walking with the Lord in our lives.
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