A group of laborers rose early and went to the marketplace. Some were hired at daybreak. Others were hired when the day was almost over. All received the same wages. Play a game based on this story. Work with the goal of helping all students complete the day and earn their wages. Discuss fairness.
The workers in the vineyard who worked a full day complained that their reward was unjust. We sometimes have similar feelings, expecting rewards for our efforts. Explore the topic of generosity and practice being generous by doing a service project.
Overview of the Youth Journey Program Five Parables of Heaven featuring the parables of the Sower, Pearl of Great Price, Wise and Foolish Virgins, Workers in the Vineyard and The Great Supper. For ages 3-14.
Touch is an important aspect of relationships with others. When we touch another person we should keep in mind what's best for others as well as what's best for ourselves.
The Lord calls each of us to help in His vineyard. This activity invites children to think about ways they help others now and ways they might be able to help in the future. Children color a “vineyard” border and then make grape thumb-prints on pictures showing “fruits” they would like to cultivate.
Children act out the parable of the workers in the vineyard as the teacher reads the story. Groups are called to work at different times throughout the “day.” Their “work” is squeezing grapes to make juice. Finish by sharing a grape juice drink and getting a “wage” or reward token.