The miracle of multiplying five loaves to feed 5000 people symbolizes Jesus’ abundant Divine Love. People received “as much as they wanted” (John 6:11). How do we receive this abundance in our lives?
A top scientist of his day, Emanuel Swedenborg gave up his career to answer a call from God. His theological works are the basis of the New Church, a new Christianity.
Lazarus means "God is my help." He pictures a hope that trusts in and waits patiently for God but sometimes seems to sicken and die. In bringing Lazarus back to life Jesus showed His power over death itself.
Jesus finished His farewell speech with a three-part prayer; that He be united with the Father; that the disciples might be united with Him; and that all believers might be unified.
While many anticipate the return of Jesus Christ to earth, the New Church teaches the Lord has already made His second coming in the teachings for the New Church.
A woman met Jesus a well in Samaria and, after talking to Him, recognized Him as the promised Messiah. How is her journey for understanding the Word of God like our quest for meaning in the Bible?