The Story
Read passages from the Word about the ways the Lord blesses us.
- Psalm 103:1-5
- Psalm 127
- Psalm 128:1-4
Ideas for discussion
- What are some of the blessings the Lord has given to you? Consider tangible blessings like the gifts of nature (its beauty and the natural resources we use for food, clothing and shelter). We might also consider the blessings we receive directly from the Lord and by means of other people. The everyday actions of our spouses, children, coworkers and friends can all be considered blessings.
- If someone asked you to list the five most important gifts or blessings you have from the Lord, what might you put on that list?
- The Lord’s Word is one of the most important gifts to us. Why might that be? (Because the truths of the Word can lead us to heaven.)
- Another blessing is the ability to do things to help other people. Lawson Smith explains that the “highest happiness comes from doing something useful, something to help other people. So, one of the Lord’s greatest benefits to us is the ability to be useful.”
- How might this quotation change how you “count” your blessings? “A blessing means every good that a person has from the Lord, such as power and wealth, and everything that accompanies these, but especially every spiritual good, such as love and wisdom, charity and faith, and the accompanying joy and happiness, which have to do with eternal life” (Apocalypse Revealed 289).
Read more about blessings
- “All the Lord’s Benefits” by Lawson Smith (ages 6-14)
Benefits are kind things someone does for us. What are some of the Lord's benefits to us? - “Blessings” by Norbert Rogers (ages 18 and up)
Adapted from a sermon on Psalm 103, this article explains the meaning of "Bless the Lord" and how we can bless others from the Lord. - “The Lord Bless Thee” by Patrick A. Rose (ages 18 and up)
To receive the Divine blessing of eternal happiness is the very purpose for which we were born into this world, and it is the purpose toward which all of religion leads. - “Pursuing Happiness in Life” by Donald Rose (teens and up)
External happiness is a byproduct of inner blessedness. You can’t get it by grasping for it. Think of it as something God adds to us when we are seeking unselfish goals.
Projects and activities for various ages
- The Lord Made Me fingerplay (for ages 3-6)
A simple finger play naming some of the things created by Lord, then thanking Him for each one. - The Blessing Jar (ages 7 and up)
Count your blessings by writing them on slips of paper and putting them in a jar. Watch how the jar fills up in a week's time. - Rays of Blessings from the Lord (ages 9-14)
Use this chart to picture the Lord’s blessings as rays of sunshine. - Divine Blessing Bookmarks (ages 10 and up)
Print out these lovely bookmarks to help you keep the eternal perspective! - Counting Your Blessings (ages 11 and up)
Count your blessings by listing some of them and deciding which ones are spiritual blessings and which are natural. - Walk in His Ways (teens and adults)
Think about a time that you had to make a choice between good and evil and you chose good. What blessings followed?
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