The Story
Read the story of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37.
Retelling of the story for younger children.
Ideas for Discussion
- What happened to the man who was going to Jericho?
- What did the priest and the Levite do when they saw the hurt man?
- What did the Samaritan do? How can we be like the good Samaritan?
- What are some things you could do to practice being a good neighbor to the people around you?
- To be a good neighbor, we need to think about the needs of others and what truly helps them.
- What are some things you could do to practice being a good neighbor to the people around you?
Read more about the story
- “The Good Samaritan” story retold by Kurt Ho. Asplundh (ages 4-10)
A retelling of the parable of the good Samaritan with beautiful color pictures. - “Be Like the Good Samaritan” by Douglas M. Taylor (ages 7-14)
Any group of people who show mercy and do what is good are the neighbor whom we should help, because helping is the sincerest way to love. - “Being a True Friend and Neighbor” by Peter M. Buss, Sr. (ages 7-14)
If we want to be good friends, we must listen and look for the times when our friends really need us. - “The Oil of Human Kindness” by Hugo Lj. Odhner (ages 7-14)If you help others who need help, and then you, too, will be a good neighbor.
Projects and activities for all ages
- The Good Samaritan Song Video
Song teaches the story of the Good Samaritan. - A Golden Heart Project (ages 4-10)
When we are kind to others, it is like having a beautiful golden heart. - Who Was the Neighbor? (ages 4-7)
Place the Levite, priest and Samaritan on different paths to show who helped the wounded man. - Picture the Samaritan Helping a Stranger Project (ages 4-10)
Suggestions for illustrating an aspect of this story. - The Samaritan Is Good Neighbor Coloring Page by Josephine Ellis
Shows the Samaritan bandaging the wounds of the man who was hurt. - The Good Samaritan Play (ages 7-14)
A script for dramatizing the parable. - Band Aid Relay the Good Samaritan (ages 8-10)
Practice your caring skills by participating in a band-aid relay. - Secret Samaritans (ages 8-14)
Practice being a neighbor to others by creating a surprise gift to give to someone who needs love. - For Discussion: Wine and Oil
How might “the oil of human kindness” help people who are feeling “wounded” but have no physical wounds? - Serving the Needs of Others (ages 18 and up)
Being a good neighbor requires that we stop and consider the needs of others, not just our own.
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