Multi-age lesson plan with readings, discussions and projects on the third commandment, illustrated by the story of the Lord healing a woman on the sabbath.
Create a volvelle or revolving picture that depicts Jesus healing a woman bent over on the Sabbath. Volvelles are circular paper constructions with rotating parts. Early volvelles were the first analog computers. This volvelle allows students to make the bent woman straighten up to thank the Lord.
Children will experience what it is like to be bent over and then make the finger puppets to re-enact the miracle of Jesus healing a woman on the Sabbath.
When Jesus healed a crippled woman on the Sabbath, she praised the Lord. Children will create cards that acknowledge useful qualities in others. Select recipients, such as parents, grandparents, cleaners, care workers, Sunday school teachers, etc.
See how to assemble a volvelle. Our sample illustrates Jesus healing a woman, Luke 13. Download the lesson and template at Print on stiff paper. Cut out the template using sharp scissors.